Meet Cameron Seavers a.k.a. Sweet Cam, Cam Man, Yes Man, Cam
the Golden Retriever, etc. Cam is honestly one of the genuinely nicest people
that I know. When Cam and I first started becoming friends was a few years ago
when I was looking for someone to go to Indiana with me for a short weekend
trip. It’s about a 9 hour car ride from Virginia to Indiana. Cam barely knew me
and had never met my family, so this was quite a shock that he actually agreed.
On the car ride to Indy, it consisted of Cam and I belting out 80’s rock with
Cam hitting some of the sweetest high harmony parts that would put Michael
Bolton to shame. But when our friendship really started was on the car ride
back from Indy. We had been driving for a few hours, and I received a text from
my mother saying, “Keanu Reeves died in a skiing accident.” We, both, sat in a
moment of silence thinking about how Keanu had impacted our lives from Neo to Shane Falco. After a
couple of minutes, Cam looks out the passenger side window and nonchalantly
says, “Well. Death waits for no man.” I laughed hysterically for a solid 10
minutes causing Cam to laugh with me. Another testimonial to who cam is: he has
taken me to the airport at 5 in the morning more times than I can count. One
time, I paid him back with a $5 Footlong in which he didn’t complain. Better
man than I Cam; better man than I.
A few weekends ago, Cam was getting married. Not only was I
looking forward to him getting married, but I, more importantly, was looking
forward to the college reunion that was about to take place. The wedding took
place in Pennsylvania. Cam warned us that we would be out in the country. I
didn’t know that we would be out of the country. I had better cell service in
Japan than I did in Pennsylvania. It was like a summer camp with less
counselors and more beer. All 9 guys stayed in a tiny log cabin about 2 miles
back in the woods. We had an ATV, a lake, boat, fishing poles, corn hole, etc. The
closest civilization was about 20 minutes away, and I wasn’t mad about it.
Cam, Cam’s brothers, Cam’s dad, and Cam’s grandfather pretty
much built everything for the wedding with the help of others. I tried to help
but I wouldn’t say I’m the handiest person in the world, but I’m trying. When
we first got there, the Seavers were building the dance floor for the wedding.
My friend, Addison, and I went to help. Background on Addison: he finished his
entire basement on his own. My background: I lived in my parents’ basement for a
period of my life. Once we got to the dance floor project, Addi jumped right in
and saved the day, while I was asked to retrieve the tools which consisted of me
googling the tool names and coming up short due to the poor cell service.
Regardless, we completed the dance floor, and I was there for it.
I love wedding festivities, but weddings are the WORST…when
you’re single. Weddings are just a reminder that you can’t convince a girl that
you’re an alright guy. Out of the 9 groomsmen my 2 friends, Trav and Zach, and
I were the only single ones. We were taking a group picture with all of us guys
and their wives. One lady obnoxiously yelled, “Singles in front!” A married girl went up to Trav and this
phrase actually came out of her mouth, “Always a groomsmen; never a groom.” Trav
kept his mouth shut even though he had a lot to say. Better man than I Trav.
Better man than I.
The reception rolls around, and they put the 3 singles, Zach,
Trav, and I, at the same table. Segregation man. Now, the
father of the bride is dancing with the bride, Leah a.k.a. Sweet Leah, Leah
Woman, Yes Woman, Leah the Golden Retriever, etc. I’m pretty sure that’s how
that works. Anyway, as they’re dancing, all of the bridesmaids are crying which
all of the groomsmen are thinking, “Here we go.” Then, Cam goes to dance with
his mother to the song Place in this World
by Michael W. Smith. It has such a nice 80’s ring to it, which was fitting. Cam
sang the whole first verse to his mother as loud as the song, which I was so
proud of him for. Then, the chorus came around and Cam changed to the higher
octave and started crying. At least I’m pretty sure he started crying, but I’ve
never seen Cam cry before. Since I had just got done judging the bridesmaids,
crying was not an option, so I had to think of any Eminem song that I
could. It worked, but obviously the rest of the crowd did not have Slim Shady
going through their mind. The wedding weekend was a blast. Congrats Cam and
Leah. I’m happy for you guys.
People not mentioned that we're involved: Brock Nardozzi, Charlie Waters, Jordan Whitehurst, Cullen Seavers, and Chase Seavers. You guys are cool.